Lorenzo Schiavon
2 min readJul 6, 2021

Do you ever start thinking “How can I be more successful or How can I be better at something?”Here there are 5 reminders to achieve your goal and get more productive.

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1. Always be a student

Not only when you are young, but throughout your life, you have to keep learning. It doesn’t matter how, but you always have to put yourself out there and not think about what others say. If you have an idea and you believe it is genuine, pursue it and make your dream come true. There are various ways to learn, for example, you can read books, watch online courses, ask a friend who is an expert in a subject to teach you the basics.

2. Learn how to sell

Learning to sell is the basis for success. Human life is based on negotiating and selling something to someone, which is why learning to be persuasive is necessary. Whether we are presenting a new product or talking to a friend, we always try to convince them that our opinion is the right one (even if it is not).

3. Be a team player

Teamwork is essential to achieve the set goals. There is an African saying: ‘If you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together’ which indicates how more people can achieve long-term goals. People coming from different academic and life backgrounds ensure a diverse approach to a problem by proposing different solutions.

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4. Strive to do better

Simply when you think you can do better, stop and do it again until it is the way you want it. Always try to improve in what you do and don’t stop at appearances, but get to the bottom of an issue by approaching it from multiple perspectives.

5. Don’t quit

You may have heard these words a thousand times, but they are true. Not giving up and always trying to get back up to achieve your goals is crucial. A little trick to motivate yourself is to remember why you started, what were the reasons, the causes. The “Why” is fundamental and must never be forgotten.

Remember to be helpful and enjoy the process more than the money.

